Zuletzt aktiv 1731607262

Änderung d2a5ee2f414046c49f33484ad41183055d323bee

Dapr-2.md Orginalformat
Repo Description
Dapr The main repository that you are currently in. Contains the Dapr runtime code and overview documentation.
CLI The Dapr CLI allows you to setup Dapr on your local dev machine or on a Kubernetes cluster, provides debugging support, launches and manages Dapr instances.
Docs The documentation for Dapr.
Quickstarts This repository contains a series of simple code samples that highlight the main Dapr capabilities.
Samples This repository holds community maintained samples for various Dapr use cases.
Components-contrib The purpose of components contrib is to provide open, community driven reusable components for building distributed applications.
Dashboard General purpose dashboard for Dapr
Go-sdk Dapr SDK for Go
Java-sdk Dapr SDK for Java
JS-sdk Dapr SDK for JavaScript
Python-sdk Dapr SDK for Python
Dotnet-sdk Dapr SDK for .NET
Rust-sdk Dapr SDK for Rust
Cpp-sdk Dapr SDK for C++
PHP-sdk Dapr SDK for PHP