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TypeORM-readme-20.ts Eredeti
1import "reflect-metadata"
2import { DataSource } from "typeorm"
3import { Photo } from "./entity/Photo"
5const AppDataSource = new DataSource({
6 type: "postgres",
7 host: "localhost",
8 port: 5432,
9 username: "root",
10 password: "admin",
11 database: "test",
12 entities: [Photo],
13 synchronize: true,
14 logging: false,
17// to initialize the initial connection with the database, register all entities
18// and "synchronize" database schema, call "initialize()" method of a newly created database
19// once in your application bootstrap
21 .then(() => {
22 // here you can start to work with your database
23 })
24 .catch((error) => console.log(error))